About Insider Growth

Hey, I am Aidan Lehane, founder of Insider Growth. We started this community to allow people to grow their business, life, income, fulfillment and happiness.

A Bit About My Background

I was a proper Insider! I went to university and got a degree in Business Information Systems which was great but the trouble started when I got into working 9-5 jobs. I quickly realised that I didn’t like having a boss, following orders or pursuing a mundane and meaningless career in the rat race.

I had a super secure job with a Pension giant in Ireland and they wanted to keep their staff, including me for life. I was training heavily in Muay Thai and Strength Training at the time and I took a career break to assess my options and I was going to start a Muay Thai and Weights Gym.

When I did the Personal Trainer course, the coaches opened my eyes to the world of business, through the books they were reading like Think and Grow Rich, The Richest Man In Babylon and many others. I quickly started reading myself and got a 6 month contract with Microsoft to build money for my gym.

I knew I would be leaving Microsoft after the 6 months was up and they again wanted to keep me for life. I built my money and the idea changed into starting a Digital Marketing business. I listened to countless books, did a part time course in Web Design and worked around the clock until the time came to head out on my own. I told the boss I was leaving and that was that, I had jumped! (Every Successful Person Jumps At Least Once!)

Fast forward 3 years and I had build a 6 figure business with 3 staff and was back in the Rat Race except this time I was in charge. I quickly became unfulfilled again and let the staff go to move back to the apartment to work from there.

The emphasis changed again, this time to starting side businesses for passive income and more security. I started with POD and started a successful store at the second attempt (Which is still running passively!). The attention then turned to blogging where I have had enormous success after doing two of the best courses around.

Youtube is also one of the biggest opportunities around right now and that brings us up to today.

I am starting this community to help everyone I can to escape the Rat Race with Digital Businesses and Passive Income. I had been waiting for a long time to start this until I had built enough success where I don’t have to work anymore and can survive easily and grow on my Passive Income, even in a pandemic.

This isn’t just about business either, I really enjoy the benefits of proper nutrition, strength training, self defence, sports and we will throw other topics like Self Development and personal advice.

One thing to not is that, nothing is easy and if you want to build your income, life, happiness, fulfillment and passive income online business, it will take a lot of hard work so if you don’t want to do that, you should just close the tab right now and find another group. If you want to stay, don’t forget to subscribe and let’s get started!